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AR Art corner by Ainur Ryskulova

Capturing New York’s Pulse on Canvas

Welcome to the AR Art Corner by Ainur Ryskulova. AR is a contemporary artist who uses paint, pencil, and passion to create evocative works. The magnificent art pieces tell the stories of the people, places, and emotions that make up our world.

Currently based in New York City, Ainur draws inspiration from the vibrancy of urban life. She loves translating her surroundings into powerful visual narratives.


About Ainur

From the busy streets of the city to the subtle expressions on a stranger's face, her art reflects a deep exploration of the human condition and the beauty found in the everyday.


Explore her latest work, dive into her artistic process, and discover how Ainur brings her unique vision to life.


The project is a reflection of New York’s soul. This series captures the energy, diversity, and constant motion of urban life.

Contact Ainur

Are you interested in getting in touch with Ainur for a collaboration?

500 Terry Francois Street, San Francisco, CA 94158  |  Tel: 123-456-7890

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